

Valitettavasti hakua vuodelle 2024 ei ole pystytty avaamaan johtuen residenssitoiminnan uudelleen organisoinnista. Haku aukeaa keväällä 2024.

Hakumenettely jatkossa, kun tilanne normalisoituu:

Ennen kuin haet residenssiin, lue tämän sivun tiedot.

Taitelijaresidenssiin haetaan täyttämällä hakulomake, joka tulee tälle sivulle marraskuussa. Lomakkeella voi hakea 2-4 viikon mittaisiin residenssijaksoihin Norpas-residenssiin Kemiönsaarelle. ​Residenssiin voi majoittua korkeintaan viisi henkilöä. Myös erillisiä työskentelytiloja on mahdollista saada Taalintehtaalta.

The Residency is related to the Norpas Artpark project which will add to the amount of art and artworks available to the public in Taalintehdas. For public artworks (Artpark), the cost of materials and, if agreed, artist fees are paid. The initiative can apply funding with Norpas organisation.

The Residency periods are occasionally also managed on an invitational basis.


The Norpas Artist Residency began in 2018. The residence apartment is situated in a wooden, two storey barrack block of a style very particular to Taalintehdas which was first built as workers' accommodation in the late 1800s.

The specific objectives of the Residency are to:

  • Facilitate a productive and rewarding working period for artists and to provide an authentic residency experience in the Finnish archipelago.
  • Increase the significance of arts and culture in Taalintehdas, on Kimito island and more broadly in South West Finland.
  • Lead the production of public and environmental works of art for the community of Taalintehdas.

Residency fees

Mikäli residenssijakson toiminta kytkeytyy Norpas-festivaaliin, Norpas Artparkiin, paikalliseen yhteisöön tai ympäristöön tai on vuorovaikutuksellista tai osallistavaa, kattaa Norpas ry kaikki residenssiasumiseen liittyvät kulut ja myös avustaa toiminnan organisoimisessa. Veloituksettomasta jaksosta sovitaan aina erikseen.

​Mikäli residenssissä edistetään muuta omaa taiteellista työtä, peritään residenssiasunnosta käyttökulukorvausta 20 euroa vuorokaudessa.

The residency experience

A Norpas residency period will prove an invaluable inspiration to working artists from all over the world. The abundance of character, nature and history in Taalintehdas often make it seem very far removed from the cares and concerns of life elsewhere. Actively participating in village and community life is a central part of the Norpas residency experience for visiting artists. The distinctive and welcoming Finland-Swedish culture, a long tradition and heritage of industry and craftsmanship and a rural locality nestled amongst the islands of the archipelago all add to the charms of the little town of Taalintehdas.

We will meet every resident artist in person and will always provide help and local support. Norpas ry's networks in the fields of arts and culture will broadly benefit the development of residency projects, provide material assistance and offer wider perspective. We aim to help by reinforcing the significance of an individual artist's participation and contribution. This enhances personal and professional bonds with work, with the residency itself and with the village.

The Residency Apartment

The Residence is situated in the loft of an old workers’ barracks from the late 18th century. Two of the original workers' apartments have been joined to create a 64m² space.

The apartment has a kitchen and two rooms, both with beds for a total of five people: one double bed in one room and one single bed and one bunk bed in the other.

We encourage families and pets are welcome too.

The apartment has both wood and electric heating. In the winter the heating is done by wood-fired oven.

The apartment doesn't have its own shower or toilet nor running water. Residents in the building have access to a communal block with bathrooms, showers and toilets.

There's also a communal sauna for residents, every resident is allowed to book themselves one slot per day.

The apartment has wood and electric heating and wood and electric stoves.


The apartment doesn't have its own shower or toilet nor running water. Residents in the building have access to a communal block with bathrooms, showers and toilets.

There's also a communal sauna for residents, every resident is allowed to book themselves one slot per day.

The apartment has both wood and electric heating.

The apartment has wood and electric heating and wood and electric stoves.

Local Services

Everything is within walking distance in Taalintehdas.

It's about 200 metres to the centre of the village where you'll find food shops, a bank machine, an off licence, restaurants, the library, the marina, a health centre, a pharmacy, the post office, a travel agent and cafes.

The market square is lively during the summer months and there are always various community events happening.

Local Nature

The Residence is located very close to a large lake and to the sea and there are peaceful forests, cliffs and marshes throughout the surrounding area. ​Three beautiful nature trails of varying length begin in Taalintehdas and a multitude of other amazing, natural sights are just a bike ride away. You can set off to explore the Archipelago Sea from the harbour in your own boat or on scheduled, public ferry services.

The significance of the arts in Taalintehdas

Taalintehdas is one of the first ironworks villages in Finland and is unusual in the sense that the steel industry remained the largest local employer until as late as 2012. This has influenced the character of the village and the surrounding area in a variety of ways. There are buildings dating from the 1700s, a strong industrial and working identity among local people and a built environment that blends in well with nature.

Taalintehdas is still undergoing a transformation which began in 2012 when 350 years of steel industry and factory employment abruptly ended in the village. The municipality was then immediately re-classified as one undergoing significant structural change. The first Festival Norpas was also organised in that same year and the demand for artists along with opportunities, local interest and working space made available to arts and culture has been growing ever since.

With the Norpas Residency our aim is to make Taalintehdas increasingly attractive to artists and those working in creative professions. There's plenty of economical working space available in the village. The current owners of the former steel factory are very encouraging and supportive of the arts and are willing to rent out space on the former factory estate at an attractively low cost.

Taalintehdas has always been a community where different languages, groups, nationalities and tradespeople have interacted. Prejudice is absent and the locals have a strong sense of working together in a common cause. Both the Finnish and Swedish languages are universally spoken and understood in the village.

Taalintehdas – Artpark

Activity at the Artist Residency is designed to ensure that art becomes permanently established in Taalintehdas, our particular areas of focus are environmental works of art and art which is accessible to the public. Our vision is that in ten years’ time Taalintehdas will have a reputation as a home to a multitude of diverse and independent arts and culture. The Residency is a means to initiate this agenda and to move it forward.

Our intention is that all our public artwork and our wider activities convey a clear sense that these are not items which have simply been purchased with money, instead they are the result of careful consideration, they suit the history and traditions of the village and are environmentally and socially sustainable in the long term.

We act with care and attention throughout and consider the merits of each work of art individually. This is a collective and consultative process and we always seek to respect the wishes of the wider village community, local residents, business owners and the local council.

Haluamme siis toteuttaa toiminnan alusta lähtien huolella ja kunnolla, ruohonjuuritasolta ja alusta pitäen, teos kerrallaan harkiten. Kyseessä ei ole siten yhden ihmisen näkemys vaan pyrimme kaikessa osallistamaan ja kunnioittamaan kyläyhteisön, sen asukkaiden, yrittäjien sekä kunnan toiveita.